Terms of Service

Through Echo, you can donate your voice, written sentences, and the other resources we need to build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative voice recognition apps for devices and the web.

You may only participate in Echo if you agree to these Terms.


Echo is open to anyone over the age of 18. If you are 18 or under, you must have your parent or guardian’s consent and they must supervise your participation in Echo.

Your Contributions

We make Echo database available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. That means it’s public and we’ve waived all copyrights to the extent we can under the law. If you participate in Echo, we require that you do the same. You must agree that we may offer all of your Contributions (including text, recordings, validations, and feedback) to the public under the CC0 public domain dedication.

In order to participate in Echo, we also requires that you make two assurances:

  • First, that your Contributions are entirely your own creation.
  • Second, that your Contributions do not infringe on any third parties’ rights.

If you cannot make these assurances, you may not participate in Echo.

Your Account

You do not have to create an account to participate in Echo.

If you do create an account, we will ask for your email address and a username of your choice. Optionally, you may also provide an avatar and certain demographic data that will help us understand how to teach machines to understand people with different accent, ages, sex, and background.

When you provide information for your account, you give we all permissions necessary to: keep track of information about your Contributions, including audio recordings, text, and validations, associate that data with your account, email, username, and the demographic information you provide, and publish your Contributions publicly along with any demographic information, Publish metrics about your Contributions (such as number of recordings and languages) along with your username on the leaderboard.

We will not publicly post or publish your email address.

You can choose not to appear on the leaderboards. If you do, we will not publish data about your recordings in association with your username. However, we will still make your text and recordings publicly available as part of Echo and will include information about your recordings in the overall metrics that are available publicly.


If you subscribe to receive our newsletters or register for an account in connection with Echo, you may receive emails from us in connection with your account.


By participating in Echo, you agree that we will not be liable in any way for any inability to use Echo or for any claim arising out of these terms. we specifically disclaims the following: Indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages Direct or indirect damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, lost profits, loss of data, or computer malfunction

Any liability under this agreement is limited to $500.

You agree to indemnify and hold we harmless for any liability or claim that comes results from your participation in Echo.

We provide the service “as is”. We specifically disclaims any legal guarantees or warranties such as “merchantability,” “fitness for a particular purpose,” “non-infringement,” and warranties arising out of a course of dealing, usage or trade.

Notices of Infringement

If you think something in Echo infringes your copyright or trademark rights, please see our policy for how to report infringement.


Every once in a while, we may decide to update these Terms. We will post the updated Terms online.

If you continue to use Echo after we post updated Terms, you agree to accept that this constitutes your acceptance of such changes. We will post an effective date at the top of this page to make it clear when we made our most recent update.


We can suspend or end anyone's access to Echo at any time for any reason. If we decide to suspend or end your access, we will try notify you by the email address associated with your account or the next time you attempt to access Echo.

The recordings you submit to we will remain publicly available as part of Echo, even if we terminate or suspend your access.

Last updated: 01 October 2021